Our extensive experience and knowledge and combine with attention to detail that will care yours more. Our garment experts not only take care your cloths the best but also you. Our commitment to environmental sustainability is an inseparable from company values.

At Lissey, our dry cleaning services utilize the finest technology and specialize in caring for your garments according to the washing instructions on their labels. Each item is individually protected and packaged with custom clothes covers and hangers to ensure they are returned safely and hygienically. Additionally, Lissey uses environmentally friendly products in the care of your fabrics.

Lissey provides cleaning services for stuffed toys using the latest technology to ensure cleanliness, prevent germ growth, and maintain the softness of your toys.

Lissey offers B2B cleaning services for hotel linens, restaurant towels, and gym towels using state-of-the-art machinery and internationally standardized chemicals, combined with BWRO water filtration. We are dedicated to supporting your business with our exceptional service.

Lissey provides pick-up and delivery services for residents and workers in Jakarta and Tangerang. Our drivers will collect your items from the most convenient location for you and return them safely packaged and ready for use.

Lissey offers expert cleaning services for your shoes and bags. Our team utilizes their expertise to clean and care for various materials, including suede and fabric.

Lissey provides ironing and pressing services to remove wrinkles from fabrics using standard or fabric-specific temperatures, ensuring your garments look their best.

Lissey uses advanced cleaning technology to remove stains, kill germs, bacteria, and dust mites, and sanitize all down and feather items, including but not limited to jackets and pillows.

Lissey takes pride in handling your personal garments. Every step of our process is carefully executed to ensure your laundry is returned neat and clean. Each item is thoroughly inspected and then washed with special detergents suited to the characteristics of the textile. Our laundry services cover clothing, bedding, and supporting accessories.

Lissey offers cleaning services for household items such as curtains, pillowcases, and other bedding accessories, ensuring a thorough and meticulous clean.

Lissey offers meticulous cleaning services for your wedding gown. Each gown is thoroughly inspected and cleaned according to the specific characteristics of its textile, ensuring the utmost care.